Our Story

The year was 2005, I moved to a small town near Denali National Park. Wow, what a majestic and magical place. It just speaks to your soul....screeeeeeeeeeeeech....ok, hot stuff, stop, HOLD EVERYTHING, enough of the gushing, let's just tell our story.

A Bit About Alaska First

The clouds are also ever changing, and on a clear, cool evening the dancing in the sky of the Northern Lights... you think you must be dreaming, or even a little bit tipsy, then you realize this is real, I am tipsy, how exciting.

Alaskans are so resourceful; many are mushers, some have been in the Iditarod dog sled races, and the Yukon Quest, or at least ran in them. Well, they didn't actually run in them silly, their dogs did, they were on the back of the sled. Geeez, got to spell everything out.

The picture of me behind the dog sled are friends that have a business hauling gear into Denali National Park and dropping it off at the base of Mt. McKinley so that the mountaineers can come to the base and climb the highest mountain in North America. Motorized vehicles aren't permitted into Denali National Park.

FYI: The Japanese tourists visit Fairbanks in the fall to see the Northern Lights, it is believed that it is good for fertility; I needed to know that...

Ok ok, now back to Our Story

So, inspired after having read "The Good Time Girls of the Alaska Yukon Gold Rush", it's about the real first frontier women and the men that were in these women's lives

So, I said to myself, I make soap, I work in the beauty business as a Hairdresser and an Esthetician, and in my past life I even worked in the French Perfume Industry. It's perfect, all my passions, all together, how exciting! What a journey it's been, from when I took that little soap making class 17 years ago in Vancouver, BC.

To go one step further, why not incorporate those first naughty, frontier folks that I find so fascinating and tell a story on the labels, voila, "We're No Angels" was born.

Oh, now I guess you want to know how I got up here, to Alaska I mean! Well, I met someone, a wonderful man, we married and here I am....with our dog, Gertie, a Doberman/Alaskan sled dog mix.

So, indulge yourself with our soaps and candles, and put a smile on your face...we put a little love into every bar...


That was 2007, in 2014 we moved to Vero Beach, Florida, and welcomed to our family "Kiddy" a new addition to play with Gertie. our dog....


Lee with friends' sled dogs